Fermenting vs. Pickling: Radishes Two Ways

Radishes are one of the most versatile vegetables one could find at the market in early spring. Beyond that, they are abundant, extremely healthy, and often an afterthought. In this workshop we use the lowly radish to explore two common food preservation techniques. Though often spoken about interchangeably, fermenting and pickling are two distinct processes . Rai Dimmitt will show you how to use these methods to preserve almost any seasonal vegetable, and we will get into how they yield different results nutritionally and flavor-wise. Additionally, she will explain why it’s typically cheaper and healthier to preserve foods at home, especially when it comes to fermented veggies. Just in time for summer tacos!

[Español] Descargar PDF: Fermentación vs encurtido: Rábanos de dos formas

Download PDF: Recipe & Resources

Live workshop held April 21, 2021

What Materials Will Participants Need for This Workshop?

  • 1 small pot/saucepan

  • 1 quart water (ideally spring, filtered, or distilled but tap is fine)

  • 1 cup vinegar (for this workshop I’d say use a white distilled)

  • 3 Tbsp salt (non-iodized) 

  • 1 Tbsp of granulated white sugar

  • 1 paring or chef’s knife

  • 1 cutting board

  • 1 medium mixing bowl

  • 1 bunch radishes

  • 1 cucumber

  • 1 small or ½ large red onion

  • 1 dried red chili (optional)

  • 2 glass jars (6-12oz ea.)



About Rai Dimmitt

Rai Dimmitt has over fourteen years of food industry experience. In that time she has worked in bakeries, restaurants, manufacturing facilities, and greenmarkets. Though her path has not been conventional, and even at times a bit chaotic, the consistent throughline has been a deep love of quality ingredients, an appreciation for the land from which they came, and a desire to preserve them using techniques that have been around for generations. Whether it’s fermenting, jam-making, curing, or pickling, Rai seeks to capture the moment these foods are at their peak to be enjoyed another day with the people she loves. Currently she’s slinging dough at Shewolf Bread Bakery and working on a sandwich shop with her dear friend and chef Raina Robinson.

Keep up with Rai on Instagram.